This course will show you how to access the network in Android and iOS, and display the
acquired data in the UI.
After connect the network in the mobile phone,display how to got the data in the local host
with the list.
The course will explain how to save your data in local host.
The course will introduce programming methods:Network operation framework
OKhttps,Database framework GreenDao and Image loading framework Glide….

Chapter 1 – Mobile APP Overview 5%

1. Introduction to developing basic modules

2. Description of the basic UI element

3. Appium’s app automation environment

4. Strings.xmla and Message localization

Chapter 2 – Android network operation 5%

1. Android network operation

2. Handler Communication

3. Async Task

Chapter 3 – Advanced control 10%

1. ListView data of display lists

2. ListView achieve interlace effect

3. CardView media query

4. Android network operation test

Chapter 4 – Data save 15%

1. SQLite Databases

2. Android Local file operation

3. Android Database operation

4. Broadcast Receiver

5. Application Save

6. Android local data operation test

Chapter 5 – Popular framework 10%

1. OkHttp network framework

2. EventBus

3. RecyclerView list framework

4. Glide image framework

5. Android image loading and caching library

6. GreenDao database framework

7. WebView web module

8. ButterKnife implements View input

Chapter 6 – Mobile APP API functions 10%

1. UIKit basis

2. Swift development iOS

3. iOS persistence and core data

4. Firebase DB Rules

Chapter 7 – Overview and resource 10%

1. basic classes, functions, object introduction

2. Create an application

3. Documentation and debug

4. View, painting and animation

Chapter 8 – IOS module 15%

1. iPhone app data

2. Roller view and table view

3. Navigation and tab bar controller

4. MVC and view controller

Chapter 9 – IOS API 15%

1. WebView, Maps AP

2. Yelp’s Monocle APP

3. Text input and display mode

4. Performance and optimization

Chapter 10 – The Project 5%

MyFod takeout order APP